Our Beliefs

People in a Sunday school class. We base all of our teaching upon the Bible.

We are

Bible Based

We believe that God is the foundation of truth and that He has revealed His truth to us in the Bible.

Everything we teach is based upon Biblical truth. We use the Bible as our guide in all matters of church policy and polity. We do not allow changing cultural values to move our focus off of the foundational principles that God has instituted.

Through our focus on Biblical teaching and preaching, we are challenged to know the Bible well. This helps us to live out God’s truth and live successful Christian lives. The Bible is the basis upon which we serve and minister to others with a goal of providing meaning and purpose in their lives.

We are

Christ Centered

A love for Christ permeates all that we do. He is our reason for existing. He is why we come together as a church. Only through a love of Christ can we really change and become the people God intended us to be. 

A church that loves Christ above all is not focused on doing things in particular ways or for personal reasons but is focused on doing things to the glory of God alone (1 Corinthians 10:31). Whether we come together to worship, to fellowship, to minister, or to serve we do it all for God’s glory rather than our own.

A member of BBCCU praying in a Bible study.
Group leader and his crew of kids having a snack at Vacation Bible School.
We are people focused.

We are

People Focused

People are the core of what we do because a church is the people that comprise it. Without a steady growth of people, a church dies. Consequently, churches need to continually grow.

We grow through outreach. Each person reaching other people with the power of the good news of Christ. We do this in a variety of ways, but most importantly by being dedicated to our own growth and development as Christians. How can we change the lives of others if our lives aren’t being changed?

Our commitment to people revolves around the commandment of Christ to “love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:29). But we cannot fulfill this commandment without first fulfilling the first which is to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind” (Matthew 22:37). Without a personal relationship with God, we can never please Him. So, we strive to share the good news of salvation with those around us.