Our Beliefs
The Bible
We believe that the Bible was written by holy men of God supernaturally inspired, which means truth without any error.
We believe in one living God who was before and will be for eternity to come. We believe in the trinity; God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, all equal parts.
Jesus Christ
We believe that Jesus was fully God and fully man, that He was supernaturally born of the virgin Mary and that He died on the cross for the remission of our sins.
We believe that humans were created perfect at the beginning of creation and that sin entered through Adam and Eve corrupting all creation. We believe that God sent His Son as a substitute for us, to bear those sins on the cross so that we may have hope of salvation. We believe that Jesus truly died and was raised to life on the third day destroying the power of sin giving us freedom from sin.
The Church
We believe that the universal church is the bride of Christ and is manifested in local visible church bodies. The purpose of the church is to glorify God. The priorities of the church are worship and obedience. We believe that God gave us the privilege to share these things with others so that we may make others disciples of Him.